   As we move along in the teachings of Jesus from the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5:13-16, one of the first things that stands out to me from the passage is what Jesus says about being salt and light.
   You'll notice that He doesn't say that we will become these things, rather, as His followers, we already are salt and light, so with that being said, let's take a look at a few things about these two things.
1. Salt adds flavor.
2. Salt is a preservative.
3. Salt has healing properties.

   So then, what would you think Jesus is talking about when He says that we are salt and light? Do you think that He meant we should be able to perfectly season a steak, or glow in the dark perhaps? I think not.
   What Jesus is referring to are the qualities of these things, and how we, as His followers, are to have these same influences on the world around us, which makes perfect sense, because we are to influence the world, and not be influenced by the world. Right?
   He asks the question; 'If salt loses its flavor, then what good is it? (paraphrase), then He goes on to include that if salt has lost its flavor, it has become useless, and is thrown out to be trampled by man.
   I've never been one to just lay down and be walked on, and I'm not defending that as the right way to be, but where the Gospel is concerned, we must refuse to lay down. We must work hard to influence the world around us by adding flavor to society. But not just any flavor. We are to add the flavor of Jesus, as His followers, and refuse to be corrupted by the ideals and morals of this world. (which btw allows sin/impurities to enter)
   What makes salt useless? Impurities. So then, that would lead me to believe that Jesus is speaking of allowing sin to slip in, and to cause us to lose our flavor as Christians, thereby rendering us useless as a means of bringing out the best in those around us, teaching them of eternal life (preserve), or leading the way to the ultimate Healer, Jesus. Now let's look at light.

1. Light challenges evil in society.
2. Shines into darkness exposing what is there.
3. Guides us. (see Psalm 119:105)

   As we move ahead this coming week at the beach, we will be discussing some of the ways that we lose our flavor and hide our light, so I will end this entry for now so that I might continue it with my thoughts from Devotions by the Ocean - Flavor Savers.

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