   For the last few Sunday evenings we've been discussing the teachings of Jesus from the Sermon on the Mount as we've gathered at the beach, and this past Sunday, we took a look at one of Scriptures most colorful people. John the Baptist.
   When you study scripture, you'll find that there's not really much written about John, but what can be found is a radically different fellow who was willing to die for what he believed and preached, which speaks loudly of his character.
   I can identify with John on many levels, and often times in the community that I live in, I'm known as the local 'Jesus Freak' which is a monicker that I gladly embrace, especially considering that there are so many other labels that have been attached over the years.
   This dude, John, must have been a sight to see, and I can only imagine what went through the minds of some that came into contact with him, especially clothed in camel hair, with his long hair and beard, eating wild honey and bugs (locusts to be exact), and shouting all the time.
   Not just shouting in general, but shouting the very message that Jesus preached shortly after John baptized Him in the Jordan River. 'Repent, and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.'
   Several things came up during our discussion, but one that stands out to me is the story of Mary greeting Elizabeth during her visit while both were still pregnant with Jesus and John, respectively.
   The story goes that when Elizabeth heard Mary's voice, the baby (John) jumped in her womb, and this causes me to think of the excitement that John knew in the presence of Jesus!
   In a society where anything goes, we, as followers, often get so caught up in the machinery of theology, without ever living out theology, and it has greatly muted our excitement as the Body of Christ.
   Services are planned, and votes are held to install this officer and that, but somewhere in the midst of all of this, we grow callous to the real needs of others, in exchange for the things that we sometimes selfishly want to see come to pass in our buildings made of bricks and wood, shadowed by the steeples that top our massive organizations, hiding behind stained glass masquerades of sometimes impersonal worship.
   The fact of the matter is, the church has sadly become an organization, and ceased to be an organism. Living, moving, growing. And what we need today are a few more 'Jesus Freaks' like John, who are willing to risk being ridiculed, persecuted, and martyred for the Gospel.
   John lived. LOUD! And what I see is a man who lived out what it truly means to follow Jesus, by simply being consumed by the presence of Jesus. Where are you? Are you in His presence? Do you know Him? Does He know you?
   Let us be focused in our daily lives with the mission of Jesus, and let us never forget that He taught us that love is most important, and that love is best displayed as a verb. Let us live out the Gospel with our lives, and if necessary, use words.

Frances Thomas
7/21/2012 06:06:54 am

Looks like a good beginning on the website. Is it possible to do the print in the paragraphs a different color font? The tan print and brown background are close in color which makes it difficult to read. I tried zoom on my computer & it didn't work because it cut out most of the print. Not trying to be critical, just looking for a solution until my new reading glasses arrive at the end of the month..


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