For so long now we have prayed that God would lead us to a place of worship here in our own community that goes beyond what we have seen so far, and focuses on the beauty of not just hearing the Word, but being doers of the Word as James instructs us in his book, and it is so exciting to see how God is answering that prayer by using a small group of people at a chapel that is located, literally, just around the corner from our home.
   We are not concerned about the convenience of it, but what we are truly enjoying, is the organic nature of this little group of people that call themselves Christ Coastal Community Church.
   Founded by a beautiful spirited couple, it is a place that we feel as if we can be ourselves as we follow Jesus, and a place void of the usual man-made political nuances that are dominating the church in America today, and a refreshingly welcome addition to the community.
   God has had us on a journey of learning to live in real, biblical community, where the Holy Spirit is free to move and work through us in ways that are sadly unrecognizable by many today, and by leading us to this 'organic church' He has brought us together with a group of people who are seemingly on the same journey, and we have been freed up to worship in an environment where things are shared, and people have an active participation in the gatherings instead of being talked at.
   This entry has been a means of sharing my heart about how God has assembled other 'Villagers' and also to stir the writing process as I have been away from blogging for quite some time, and I want to re-establish a pattern of writing that has been lost in recent years.
   As time goes by, I will share more, but for now, I will close with an attitude of gratitude for what God is doing. Thank You Father for Your love, and for hearing our cries for more workers in this field!

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