I've been meditating a great deal lately on what I find to be extremely valuable in my life, and as I have done so, God has been pointing out some things, and reminding me of how He has answered some very memorable prayers in my life.
    Back in 2004, I remember crying out to God in the lat night hours of December 25th, at 11:53pm to be exact, I cried out while in the throes of my addictions, and begged God for a family. I confessed that I didn't want to live the way I was living, and that I didn't want to be alone.
    I cried out to Him to lift me out of the pit that I was in, and to forgive me for running from Him into a life of sin, which had led me down the darkest paths a person could ever imagine, and I was miserable with my life. I needed Jesus.
    Now I'll save the details of all that He has done to answer that prayer throughout some of my future posts, but for now, the one that I want to focus on, is how He heard my cry for Him to bring others into my life that would be a family to me.
    Obviously, He gave me the gift of my wife, Christy, and her family has become my own, but in recent times, that is in the last year, especially, He has been working in that area of my life to bring some amazing people along who have become my dearest friends, and mean so much to me.
    I hope they don't mind too much, and if they do, I'll come back and change the names, (Pretty sure there are very few readers anyway) but as I have been meditating on the topic of treasure, and asking God to search my heart and show me what is truly valuable in my life, He has reminded me again and again of Jeb & Kathy, who, along with their family of 5 children, have taken their place in my heart as family.
    Ironically enough, Jeb and I both played roles for several years in the ministry of a local church here in the community, Jeb in the children's ministry, and myself as the worship pastor, yet, due to the busyness of those roles, we never got to know each other, and I am so glad now that God has brought our lives together in such a way.
    Jeb and I ran into each other last year in downtown Wilmington while I was working the streets with the N.O.T.T.T. Foundation, and he even spent some time with me in that capacity, but little did I know that God was at work, bringing us closer together, even in those dark alleys and streets.
    Being that we live in the same community (Southport/Oak Island), we eventually began to hang out more, and eventually Jeb and Kathy began coming to our house for a small group gathering that got together to study and discuss the Bible.
    It's become apparent over time that Jeb and I are cut out of the same piece of cloth, and we have many, many things in common, and I find it beautiful that Jeb and I share so many similarities, yet he has character qualities that God uses to minister to me in ways that I have not been very good at affirming.
    You don't have to be around these two long to realize that they love Jesus with every fiber of their being, and that they are carriers of the Holy Spirit in ways that bring out the very best in people, including their children.
    There are way too many facets to these guys to share here, and just like beautifully cut gemstones, they shine and reflect light in the most beautiful ways, and they are EXTREMELY valuable in my life, and I pray that God will use us in some way to make them feel the love and joy that they bring to our lives.
    Hopefully you'll get to meet them sometime, and if you do, you'll see that I haven't exaggerated one bit, and I am sure that you'll find them to be one of God greatest treasures in more ways than they may ever know.
    So. In closing this post, I just want to say that I love you Jeb & Kathy, and you are greatly appreciated, valued, and we look forward to seeing how our stories will unfold in this beautiful work of God's perfect plan!

    This week has been such a blessing, and as each day goes by, I am discovering that I have needed to slow down, and find rest in Jesus without worrying so much about all that I feel needs to be done.
    I've been reading a book recently by Mother Teresa of Calcutta, and it's called 'No Greater Love'. In the book, she had something to say that has helped me perhaps more than anything has in a long time, and it has brought me to a place where I feel so much more relaxed, and I am finding my focus in the rest that I have been given with Jesus.
    'Momma T', as my friend Shane Claiborne likes to call her, says this in the book; "Do not be discouraged, for if you are discouraged, then it is a sign of pride.", and I have found there to be much truth in this, and God used these words to reach into my heart, and help me to realize that I need to relax, and to accept the fact that He has created a space to be alone with me, even if that space looks much like me doing the majority of the prep work for Devotions by the Oceans, such as raising the shade canopies.
    What God has spoken to my heart through the words of Mother Teresa, have helped me to slow down and spend time with Him in ways that I have not for so long now. Instead of running around like a crazy man, making copies, typing out handouts, etc. I have been spending the time reading, and being still, some days even napping in the afternoons after work, and I cannot describe the blessing in those things.
    Another thing that I am exploring, is the return to my art. By this I mean that I have not been using my creativity to draw, paint, sculpt, woodwork, write, or anything else for so long now, due in part to what I felt were necessary duties pertaining to DBTO.
    Christy, my awesome wife, encouraged me the other day to pick up a sketch journal, and that has been a HUGE blessing as well, as I have begun to get excited about drawing again. I'm also looking forward to doing some bigger pieces of art (murals) in our living room, which has recently been converted into a cloister of sorts, void of the television which has been there since we moved into this house almost 7 years ago.
    Christy and I have had an awesome few days, and have noticed that our attitudes have been better toward one another as we worked in the house to reclaim space in the center, the very heart of the house, for folks to gather and spend time together, talking, visiting, and without the distraction of the boob tube.
    We created a media room in our former master bedroom after moving our belongings into the smallest room in the house, and we are really enjoying the fresh changes that are moving us closer to ridding ourselves of usual distractions, and closer to allowing Jesus to be the very center of our home space.
    We've had new visitors to our home begin popping in, and one of those was this evening in the form of our friend 'Sailboat Johnny.' We call him this because he literally lives on a sailboat in the cove in our Village.
    Johnny had lost his little dog, 'Buddy', and was frantically searching for him, and after Johnny left, we decided that we should get dressed and ride around the Village for a while and see if we could spot Buddy, and we're glad that we did, because we found him hanging out with some of our neighbors down at the marina, and were able to bring him back to Johnny.
    I want to close with that story, and by saying that we are so blessed. God has chosen to allow us to live in an area that is extremely beautiful, visually speaking. And there are some beautiful people here amidst the sadness of a church community divided, the drug addiction, alcoholism, depression, and poverty of a great portion of those who live here.
    We used to jokingly call it the 'edge of the earth' and although it is, literally, we find that God has brought us here for a purpose, and His work for us here is not finished. We have truly found our Calcutta. (I'll explain that later)
    So, as I say goodnight, I encourage you to look for Jesus in the faces of those around you. Mother Teresa called these faces 'Jesus in His most distressing disguises' , and I can honestly say that there are many around us here in the area. Despite the gluttony of a few who are tangled in the web of monetary riches, there are the faces of Jesus in the shadows, and those are the ones which Jesus has placed us here to find, to love, and to serve.
    Pay attention, because you never know when your doorbell may ring, and you'll find the face of Jesus in the person looking for their lost dog. Show them love, and welcome them into your home. They need you to point them to Him.